Transmedia, a new way of telling a story. Transmedia storytelling can be defined as storytelling through different digital platforms that are used for entertainment, social interactions, education purposes and advertisement. Many individuals are becoming more aware of transmedia and its benefits in education. There are many benefits of incorporating transmedia into the classroom such that it is mobile where students and teachers can access it on a mobile device, it is resourceful by making students think creatively, it’s replay-able in which one can watch/ view it as many times as they wish, and that it is social which allows students and teachers to be able to learn new things/ perspectives from individuals around the world.
This is a great video to learn more about transmedia.
In one of my classes we learned about transmedia and were given the opportunity to explore it in the classroom. We were given certain websites that were interactive that told stories through the use of different digital platforms. Some of the websites are actual books people have made into interactive platforms through the use of transmedia. One transmedia story I personally enjoyed was the “The 39 Clues” where you look for clues on a “mission” on an island that overall is telling a story. The link for this is check it out! Also in this same class I had to make a transmedia project where my group and I made a story spine of the book “Rainbow Fish” and then we each had to make a transmedia element on our won. I made a personality quiz in which the questions pertained to the book. If you wish, check out my project,
Overall, I really enjoyed learning about transmedia and would love to use it in my future classroom. I want my students to be able to experience different types of learning in which I feel as if transmedia will be a great addition to my classroom when learning a story. When we would be reading/ learning about a story, I would look up a transmedia storytelling that goes with the book we are reading and allow my students to experience it due to that transmedia is so mobile and resourceful. I hope more educators look more into transmedia and include it in their classrooms as well.
Comments by jmjorda3