Technology usage in the classroom is a hot topic in today’s world, especially right now. A couple weeks ago in one of my courses, we had a classroom debate and I chose the side of to be fully prepared to compete in the global economy, students need all of their teachers to regularly use technology to have them communicate, collaboration, create, and critically think. I took this stance due to the fact that nowadays technology plays a huge role in our lives from computers, phones, laptops, TV’s, and even things we don’t consider technology but they are such as zippers. Technology overall makes our lives easier and has so many benefits whether it is educational, medical, for research, careers, the benefits are endless. With technological advances happening everyday, we need to make sure the future generations know how to properly use it in which I feel as if teachers should definitely incorporate and use technology in their classrooms. If they do not do this, they will be doing their students a disservice in my own personal opinion.
By teaching children the proper use of technology, they will be successful later on in their careers in which is what us teachers are supposed to be doing. Teachers can be interactive with technology and allow students to do activities on the smart board, computer, iPad, iPod, and more. Children are being taught in technology classes at a young age although, if every teacher was to incorporate technology in their class, students are more likely to be engaged, interactive, and interested since it is hands-on activities and a new learning experience. In an article it brings up the point that students have different learning styles and technology is one of them. Students who use technology would be able to conduct insurance, communicate with classmates and also can connect students with their teachers. Teachers could use twitter as a source of communicating with their students to conduct polls on classroom opinions, tweet reminders for assignments, and conduct a twitter chat to get feed back from their students. This is a great link that pertains to the points listed above .
Learning about this topic in class really intrigued me. I will be using technology a lot in the next couple of weeks due to all of my classes being switched to online instead of face-to-face due to this virus circling our nation. Technology also allows us to keep up with the news concerning the virus and new precautions to take to stay safe. I will continue using technology when I am a teacher in my classroom. In my future classroom we will use technology such as smart boards and laptops and possibly iPads if there are available to play games, watch educational videos that are pertaining to what we are learning in class. This video is a great overview of technology benefits in elementary school that shows how students and teachers are using technology in their classrooms Using technology, we will also have to go over the importance of staying safe on the internet so be able to use technology efficiently. Overall, teachers teaching their students how to use technology and allowing them to develop these skills are imperative to their future successes so therefore, teachers in every classroom need to use technology in their classes.
Comments by jmjorda3